Welcome! You are encouraged to take a look around and learn more about our community schools. We believe the Teague schools are some of the best in the area. Our staff is highly motivated, very professional, and excellent role models for the students entrusted to us. Thank you for visiting.
The present campus of Teague Junior / Senior High School was occupied in September of 1975 and houses grades 7 - 12. The present campus of Teague Intermediate School was occupied in January of 1986. Our newest school, Teague Elementary, first occupied in August 2002, houses grades Pre-K through 3.
Teague I.S.D. covers an area of 235 square miles with an enrollment of approximately 1,186 students.
The total assessed valuation of the Teague I.S.D. is $631,169,070, with a total tax rate of $1.51.
The District currently employs 2 administrators, 1 business manager, 4 principals, 1 assistant principal, 3 counselors, 1 librarian, 103 teachers, 40 paraprofessionals and 65 auxiliary employees.
Please click on the link below to view the official Teague ISD Homepage.