Beautification Program Philosophy
The Teague Economic Development Corporation (EDC) will provide Local Business Grants to qualified Teague businesses. Qualifying applicants may receive grants to fund projects that enhance property and provide visual improvements to the exterior of their facilities. These projects may include:
- Building Facades
- Landscaping
- Painting
- Parking Improvements
- Signage
The Teague Economic Development Corporation will meet regularly to consider grant applications. The Teague EDC will budget a limited amount of funding for the program. All applications are considered on a first-come, first-served basis. The Teague EDC Board of Directors will evaluate the program annually and may terminate the program at any time.
Each application is considered on a case-by-case basis. The Board of Directors reserves the right to fund or not fund any project. Every project will require a written contract outlining the considerations of the grantor and grantee.